To give in the USA, you can use a variety of methods.
- Credit Card / PayPal
- Cheque / Postal Order
- Direct Credit / Debit
- Tax Deductible (available via all methods except PayPal)
- Team support for international staff
Please always ensure you state the purpose of the gift if it is for a specific purpose.
Credit Card / PayPal (for general gifts only)
You can donate to Scripture Union International as a one-off gift or regularly via credit card or Paypal.
Please click here to make a gift via credit card. Please ensure you specify what the donation is for, where it says ‘Add special instructions to the seller’. If you are a resident of the USA and wish to pay by credit card and claim a tax deduction, then please see below and do not pay via this link.
Cheque / Postal Order
If you would like to make a donation by cheque/postal order, please mail your cheque or postal order to the address below, made payable to Scripture Union International, ensuring it is made clear in your cover note what the gift is for.
Scripture Union International PO Box 215 Valley Forge Pennsylvania 19481
Direct Credit / Debit
To make donations via direct transfer, you will need to arrange for your bank to transfer the funds or set up the transfer online yourself. You can also use this method to make automatic monthly or other regular donations. There are two alternative ways to do this in the USA.
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Form available from Blaine Bergey at SU USA Email: blaine.ber[email protected] Phone: +1 800 621 5267 Postal Address: Scripture Union USA, PO Box 215, Pennsylvania 19481-0215
Online Payments Via the SU USA website, giving the Gift Designation as 'SUI - the purpose of gift' (if specific). When using this method, please always email your name and contact details to our Finance & Grants Manager so we can acknowledge your gift.
Team Support
Team Support can be given for any SU International staff via any of the above methods. Please be sure to make the purpose of the gift clear.
Tax Deductible Gifts
You can give tax-deductible gifts if you live in the USA. These can be given by Credit Card Deduction or online. Credit Card Deduction For regular tax-deductible gifts in US Dollars given by Credit Card Deduction, the relevant form is available from Blaine Bergey at SU USA. Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 800 621 5267 On-line Gifts For one-off or manual tax-deductible payments you can make online payments via the SU USA website, giving the Gift Designation as 'SUI - the purpose of gift' (if specific).