Training and leadership development are key elements of Scripture Union and are offered at a local and global level in a variety of ways.

The Bible consistently demonstrates the importance of ‘handing on the baton’ – not only in terms of knowledge, but also in integrity and experience. SU’s various programs aim to equip people to think critically about ministry - and to have the courage and skills to look beyond the present, making appropriate changes to ministries as the context changes for young people. The focus of our leadership development – whether for national directors, field ministry specialists or young leaders – is on developing committed staff and volunteers who share: a clear mission; and consistent values of compassion, justice and concern for those who have little experience of the love of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit has raised leaders among our national movements around the world. This has led to a renewed emphasis on providing opportunities for SU leaders: to meet together; to learn from one another; to share resources and strategies; to create collaborative tools for ministry; and to partner with others in Kingdom ministry.

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