Around the world in Slovakia

Ministry Snapshots
Children's Ministry
SU Slovakia is working with children from toddlers to teenagers. Ministry for small kids and families is very important for us, and we are seeing its fruits after running clubs for Toddlers & Mums in different places. Toddlers club is a really busy place, and each week there are new mums with kids coming along. There is a good balance of games, Bible stories, play, songs, drama and crafts, and each of the little ones can be involved in something appropriate to their stage of development. The number of mums is still growing, with an average of 20 kids plus mums attending. Sometimes it is very noisy, but a lot of natural connections have been made. For many this is the very first opportunity to hear Bible stories. We believe this kind of ministry is very essential when we see almost a third generation growing without any connection with church these days.
We see a hunger for deep relationships and the need for belonging in communities – mostly in new development areas where a lack of infrastructure is a problem. There is a possibility we can work in community centres, but we need local people to take action and responsibility.
Training Ministry
SU Slovakia is working with a young team of volunteers – teenagers who have been recruited after attending children’s camps. There is a limited time when we can train them and offer them the opportunity to serve through camps and clubs, as a lot of young people go to study abroad. We use the short time during High school studies to provide training through training weekends, regular Bible study and learning-by-doing opportunities in holiday clubs and camps.
Contact Details
Head Office
Legionárska 4
81107 Bratislava
General Enquiries: [email protected]
Chairperson: Dagmar Danelova
National Leader: Natália Luptáková
Staff: Lea Laurovičová
Bookkeeping: Alena Lachová
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All about Slovakia
Roman Catholic 62%, Lutheran 5.9%, Greek Catholic 3.8%, Reformed 2.0%, Other or Unspecified 10.6%, None 13%
Population under 15
Official languages