Around the world in Northern Ireland

Ministry Snapshots
Since the early 1950s, SUNI has been supporting and resourcing SU groups in schools, with around 1,000 teachers and other leaders involved in running over 250 voluntary groups meeting at lunchtime or after school in communities that are Bible-based, discipleship-oriented and mission focused. The commitment, faith and dedication of pupils and teachers in these Primary, Post-Primary and Special School communities is a real inspiration. Their stories are too numerous to recount, but we thank God for the incredible impact they have on the lives of so many.
Since the early 2000s, God has grown our opportunities in schools even further, particularly through development of the E3 Schools’ Projects locally. Backed up by local support teams, our E3 Workers throughout the country not only engage with and equip schools themselves through assemblies, RE lessons and supporting SU groups, but also work alongside churches in seeking to empower them to think more deeply about how they can support, serve and speak into their local school communities.
Camps and Missions
In Northern Ireland we organise a programme of over 40 Camps and Missions which take place throughout the country. These are fantastic opportunities to share God’s Good News with over 6,500 children and young people each year. These activities can only take place through the incredible commitment and passion of around 1,200 volunteers who create engaging, vibrant environments for children and young people to engage with God’s Word.
Training & Resources
Training & Resources is part of the DNA of Scripture Union NI. We want to train and resource the local church in our joint mission of making God’s Good News known to children, young people and families. We do this through a variety of training (e.g. for Pupil Leaders, Camps & Missions Volunteers etc) and through resources we produce centrally (e.g. RE lessons, assemblies, empowering churches workshop for School Ministry etc.) in order to resource Schools Ministry, Camps & Missions and the Local Church.
Our internship program for young people aged 18-25 runs from the end of August for a year. To find out more click here.
Contact Details
Head Office
157 Albertbridge Road
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
General Enquiries: [email protected]
Chairperson: Barbara McDade
Honorary Treasurer: John Cubitt
General Director: Damian Wharton
Finance and Operations Manager: Ian McAvoy
Head Office Staff
Field Ministries Director: Leanne Dunlop
Volunteer Coordinator: Jonathan Parkes
Communications Coordinator: Stuart Newburn
PA to the General Director: Joanne Coulter
Finance Administrator: Jill Simpson
Ministry Manager: Mark Moorhead
SEN Coordinator: Anita Conkey
E3 Schools Workers: Ruth Dalzell, Rachel Miller, Sarah Coghlan, Andrew Neill, Sarah Emerson, Rebekah Ravey, Alastair McFarland, Eve Lowry, Jax McCallum, Aisling Pitt
Camps & Missions
Staff: Kathy Croskery, Nikki Waugh
Training & Resources
Staff: Phil Howe, Rachel Sheppard
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All about United Kingdom
Protestant 41.6%, Roman Catholic 40.8%, Unspecified or None 16.9%, Other 0.8%
Population under 15
Official languages
English, Irish, Ulster-Scots