Around the world in Portugal

Ministry Snapshots
SU took its first steps in Portugal when Pr. Abel Rodrigues shared the vision of the ministry he had found in the Swiss Bible camps and evangelistic missions, and the desire to fulfil a similar work. In 1949 he organised the first Bible camp at Carrascal marking the beginning of this ministry in Portugal.
Over the years, SU Portugal’s work has been diversifying and currently there are three main areas of ministry:
- Publishing daily Bible reading notes for adults, youth & teenagers and children, thrice a year, for the elderly and Christians from Portuguese-Speaking African countries, published annually, and other inspirational and Christian study literature;
- Bible Camps held at two biblical centres, one at Quintas do Norte (Ovar) and another at Carrascal (Sintra); and
- Sports Ministry, which promotes value-based recreational and sporting events (KidsGames, TeenGames and FamilyGames’ activities & Max7, Ubabalo and ReadySetGo resources).
In order to accomplish its mission, SU Portugal relies on a vast family of volunteers and a small staff team. SU Portugal has also been developing joint programs with several Christian ministries, such as Portuguese Bible Society, Child Evangelisation Fellowship Portugal and IFES Portugal.
Contact Details
Head Office
Apartado 167
EC Cova da Piedade
P-2806-802 Almada
General Enquiries: [email protected]
Chairperson: Fernando Barata
National Leader: Pedro Silva
Regional Director: Paulo Leite
Staff Workers
Administration: Gina Valente
Publishing: Rute Nunes
Sports Ministry: Pedro Mateus
Carrascal Campsite: Geraldo Gonçalves
Regional Office North
União Biblica – Norte
EC Município
Apartado 4440,
P-4007-001 Porto
Tel: -
Bible Camp Centre (Carrascal)
Rua Principal, 7 - Morelinho
P-2710-413 Sintra
Tel: -
Bible Camp Centre (Quintas do Norte)
Quintas do Norte
Rua da Capela 50 - Quintas do Norte
P-3870-303 Torreira
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All about Portugal
Roman Catholic 79.5%, Protestant / Evangelical 2.8%, Other Christian 1.6%, Other (Jehovah’s Witness) 1.5%, Non-Christian Religions 0.8%, None 14.2%
Population under 15
Official languages
Portuguese and Mirandese