Around the world in Sri Lanka


Ministry Snapshots

  • Overview

    In 2017 SU Sri Lanka, with great pride, celebrated 50 years of ministry. Our mission to ‘help children meet with Jesus’ comprises Scripture lessons for children aged 5-18 in 26 schools. SU Sri Lanka works closely with churches to conduct Vacation Bible Studies. Four residential camps are also held annually for children from diverse ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. The partnership of SU Sri Lanka with schools and churches helps to foster interfaith communal harmony in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country.
    Sri Lanka is slowly recovering from the ravages of a brutal 30-year ethnic war. This has resulted in a significant section of young people being physically, mentally, and emotionally deprived of a stable childhood and adolescence. Apart from the formal educational sector, SU Sri Lanka has responded meaningfully to provide these deprived youth with a ray of hope through the assurances from the Word of God. SU does this by conducting programs for visually and hearing-impaired children, those abused due to broken families and for the orphaned and teenage girls saddled with unwanted pregnancies.

    SU’s resource base is comprised of three full-time workers and 40 volunteers who shoulder the responsibility of planting the Word of God in the lives of these deprived people

Contact Details

  • Head Office

    Scripture Union Sri Lanka
    Cinnamon Garden Baptist Church
    DPS Building, No.120
    Dharmapala Mawatha
    Colombo 07
    Sri Lanka


    • Leadership

      Chairperson: Mr Prince Nayagam

      General Secretary: Mr Jeevakumaran Chandrasekera

    • Staff

      Administration Secretary: Manori Peiris

      Field Staff (Tamil Ministry): Timothy Nagendra

      Field Staff (part-time): Asha Fernando

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All about Sri Lanka

  • Population


  • Religions

    Buddhist 69.1%, Muslim 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Christian 6.2%, Unspecified 10%

  • Population under 15


  • Official languages
