Press Release
The latest news from Scripture Union International.
New International Director for Scripture Union
Date of release: 22/05/2017
Monika Kuschmierz, currently Regional Director for Scripture Union Europe, has been appointed as the new Director for Scripture Union International (SUI). She will take on the role in November, following the retirement of Janet Morgan, who has held the position since 2004.
Scripture Union (SU), a global charity known for discipleship of children and youth and helping people of all ages meet God through the Bible and prayer, is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. The new director will take forward development and support for the community of Scripture Union movements across more than 120 countries.
Chair of SU International, Colin Sinclair said, “We’re so pleased that Monika will be taking on this exciting role. With her long experience in SU, she has the skills and vision to take Scripture Union forward into the next phase of life and ministry.”
Monika has worked within Scripture Union for the greatest part of her working life. After studying Theology at the Free Evangelical Theological Academy in Basel, she worked with Bibellesebund (SU) Germany where she edited Bible notes for children. She later edited and wrote ministry resources and Bible notes for women, as well as training volunteers and leading camps.
Since taking on the role of Europe Region Director in 2011 she has been responsible for overseeing development of the 27 SU Movements within the Europe Region. As part of the global team of Scripture Union she has contributed to the shaping of new organisational structures and more recently chairs the planning team for the Global Assembly that will take place in November 2017. Monika has also been a regular lecturer at a Bible school in Germany and has worked as a freelance speaker and consultant.
Monika currently lives in Bergneustadt, Germany with her husband, Rainer and has one adult son, Niels.
About Scripture Union
Scripture Union is a global charity known for discipling children and youth, and helping people of all ages meet God through the Bible and prayer. From simple beginnings in the front room of a house in London, where a young office worker helped children understand the Bible in a way that was relevant and appropriate to them, SU has grown into an international movement operating in more than 120 countries.
Scripture Union remains committed to fulfilling its mission to help children come to know God through the Bible and it does this across the world through indigenous leadership and specialist programs and ministries, carefully designed to fit the context of each country and culture.